
Senin, 12 April 2021

[Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2] My Experience In Pandemic Covid-19

Hello, I would like to start this assignment by introducing myself. My name is Raihana Mahira, I’m a senior at the Gunadarma University. My Purpose for writing this assignment during this global pandemic is to provide a personal perspective of my experience throughout this historical event.

To begin, the first time I heard about the COVID-19 virus was towards the end of January 2020, I didn’t care that much about it because I thought it was going to be a similar situation like Ebola and H5N1, where you had government officials making statements about the threat of this virus but nothing drastically changed asides from the learning to wear a mask when meeting others. Most of the news coverage was focused on the impact the virus had on the city of Wuhan, China. News about the quickness of the spread of the virus in Depok, Indonesia began to circulate on Indonesian news shows. And then mid-March came, and it completely changed the way things used to be, to say the least. During the second week of March, UG announced the transition from in-person classes to online classes, this transition took place during week 2 of the UG academic calendar year. However, at the time I guess there was this sentiment that things would go back to normal in a short manner by the things that were being said at the time. March 14 was the date UG made the official announcement. However, the sequence of events that took place in the following days after this announcement completely changed the landscape of the world around me as I once knew it.

At the time, I was studying and preparing for my third-year research. I guess the two words that best describe how I felt during this moment were uncertainty and panic. Uncertainty because I didn’t know what to expect from this whole situation and panic cause I’m an assistant laboratory have a deadline to change offline system to online system in 3 days together with another assistant. But now it’s done and I start getting used to it.

On March 15 Mayor Depok of West Java Mohammad Idris announced the implementation of the “Dirumah Saja” order. I have to be honest; I was petrified to go outside for the next two weeks. I tried to learn more about the virus and how to not be exposed to them, but I am very annoyed when many people in Indonesia underestimate Covid-19 and think the virus does not exist.

By the middle of August, I had completely adapted to our new living conditions. The word "Social distance" has been ingrained in every member of our society at this point. In all honesty, I think it would be okay with me if we kept some of the social distancing rules. I understand that everyone wants things to go back to normal, but I'm okay with sacrificing our liberties for the benefit of our society.

At this particular moment, I think situations like the one we are living in bring out the worst and the best of human interactions. As someone who has lived in Depok, Indonesia for the majority of my life, I loved the less traffic the city experienced which caused less pollution in the air quality. I believe nature has benefited from a decline in actions that hurt our environment. This experience has also taught me to enjoy the little thing in life that we take for granted. I learned that adapting is the best form of survival, I cannot predict the future but I’m certain whatever it would be, I would do my best to enjoy every single minute of it. I am a strong believer the human spirit is capable of creating positive change and I’m sure we will overcome this situation.

  • How is your feeling about switching from attending traditional class into online study at home?

In the first two weeks, I'm not really happy about switching from attending traditional classes to online study at home cause my lecturer just gave us material or quiz without explanation, but since that we suggestion class on google meet I’m really happy cause I can ask my lecturer like real life and I’m happy cause, I don't have to wake up really early and get ready for the campus. and I'm really grateful for the campus staff to handle everything quickly when I have a problem or everything related to campus I don't have to go to campus cause everything goes online.

  • How do you deal with the difficulty in learning at home?

when I'm getting difficulty in learning at home thankfully I have support system which is my family and my friends that help me to solve my problem and gave me the advice to deal with difficulty in learning at home.

  • Do you have any idea to make learning at home a lot of fun and make it easier to learn?

during online class in google meet, I can make a note in Microsoft OneNote, and it was fun cause I don't need paper and colored markers (good for environmentally) because there is a tool in Microsoft OneNote which is can screen capture, so I do not have to rewrite slide and they have markers too so can make a point if it's important. This is effective, I can focus to hear my lecturer's presentation without distraction to write notes.

